Saturday, 10 October 2015

Fill two instances of all numbers from 1 to n in a specific way

Given a number n, create an array of size 2n such that the array contains 2 instances of every number from 1 to n, and the number of elements between two instances of a number i is equal to i. If such a configuration is not possible, then print the same.
Input: n = 3
Output: res[] = {3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2}

Input: n = 2
Output: Not Possible

Input: n = 4
Output: res[] = {4, 1, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 2}
We strongly recommend to minimize the browser and try this yourself first.
One solution is to Backtracking. The idea is simple, we place two instances of n at a place, then recur for n-1. If recurrence is successful, we return true, else we backtrack and try placing n at different location. Following is C implementation of the idea.
// A backtracking based C Program to fill two instances of all numbers
// from 1 to n in a specific way
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
// A recursive utility function to fill two instances of numbers from
// 1 to n in res[0..2n-1].  'curr' is current value of n.
bool fillUtil(int res[], int curr, int n)
     // If current number becomes 0, then all numbers are filled
     if (curr == 0) return true;
     // Try placing two instances of 'curr' at all possible locations
     // till solution is found
     int i;
     for (i=0; i<2*n-curr-1; i++)
        // Two 'curr' should be placed at 'curr+1' distance
        if (res[i] == 0 && res[i + curr + 1] == 0)
           // Plave two instances of 'curr'
           res[i] = res[i + curr + 1] = curr;
           // Recur to check if the above placement leads to a solution
           if (fillUtil(res, curr-1, n))
               return true;
           // If solution is not possible, then backtrack
           res[i] = res[i + curr + 1] = 0;
     return false;
// This function prints the result for input number 'n' using fillUtil()
void fill(int n)
    // Create an array of size 2n and initialize all elements in it as 0
    int res[2*n], i;
    for (i=0; i<2*n; i++)
       res[i] = 0;
    // If solution is possible, then print it.
    if (fillUtil(res, n, n))
        for (i=0; i<2*n; i++)
           printf("%d ", res[i]);
        puts("Not Possible");
// Driver program
int main()
  return 0;
7 3 6 2 5 3 2 4 7 6 5 1 4 1
The above solution may not be the best possible solution. There seems to be a pattern in the output. I an Looking for a better solution from other geeks.

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